We are so pleased to invite you to the 41st Nordic Reinsurance Days

Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd October 2024

at Hotel d’Angleterre, Kongens Nytorv 34, 1050 Copenhagen K

The registration fee of DKK 3,750 includes hire of the conference rooms with refreshments throughout the day at Hotel d’Angleterre, name tags and website costs. Also included is the dinner at the “Moltkes Palæ”, on Tuesday evening. As always, we allow plenty of time for networking during the first course and after dessert.

Please register and pay with MasterCard or Visa using the link “Registration”. You will receive receipts / invoices on your email.

This invitation is sent to 2023 participants as well as to potential new participants. Please pass on the invitation to your colleagues if we have missed anyone. You will receive the list of participants after deadline.

In respect of accommodation, we have pre-booked 200 rooms in total at these hotels: Phoenix, Copenhagen Strand and Nyhavn 71. All hotels are booked on a “first come first served” basis. Please see various prices when you complete the registration via the Registration link. Unfortunately, we have no rooms at the Admiral Hotel any more due to severe changes in their group booking policy.

If you register after 30th June 2024 you will need to book your accommodation yourself.

As a new ESG initiative, we will rent digital name tags which must be handed in after the Nordic reassurance days, otherwise there will be a personal fine of DKK 500.

Please register, as soon as possible but at the very latest 30th June 2024 as registration closes at 23:00pm

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jette

Tel: +45 3314 6022


We look so much forward to seeing you in Copenhagen!

on behalf of the Nordic Reinsurance Days Committee – Johnny Bøgelund